Hermeneutics; Language and Cognitive Translation Theory. A Brief Overview of the Selected Ideas of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Hans-Georg Gadamer

Ziemowit Paweł Janiak


The article aims at highlighting the relationship of hermeneutics with cognitive linguistics, translation studies, and possible connections with some of the translation theories originating in cognitive linguistics. we refer to selected ideas presented by two well-known proponents of hermeneutics, i.e. Friedrich Schleiermacher and Hans-Georg Gadamer, who also voiced their opinions on translation-related topics. The questions they ask with reference to the process of interpretation should, without any doubt, be taken up by individuals who work within translation studies, no matter of their methodological inclinations.


translation studies, translation theory, hermeneutics, hermeneutical situatedness, cognitive linguistics, cognitive grammar, blending theory, conceptual metaphor, Friedrich Schlei- ermacher, Hans-Georg Gadamer

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/fb.2019.61.125-150
Date of publication: 2020-05-29 07:52:02
Date of submission: 2019-02-21 18:19:00


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