Media Relations of Selected Toruń Libraries. Objectives, Tools and Development Plans

Magdalena Cyrklaff-Gorczyca


Building a positive image of a library in a local environment requires familiarity and systematic implementation of public relations elements. One of them is media relations, or maintaining good relations with representatives of the media, which may have a positive impact on the reception of the organization in the social environment. The article presents an analysis of media relations activities of the three largest libraries in Toruń: the Pedagogical Library of Brig. Gen. Prof. Elżbieta Zawacka, the University Library of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Provincial Public Library – Copernicus Library. A method of the research was a diagnostic survey and an analysis of the content of the websites of the examined libraries. The university and public library are well prepared and thriving in the field of promotion, however, they equate this concept with public relations and do not separate these issues in practice, while the pedagogical library does not have a promotion and PR section, but the task of maintaining contact with the media belongs to one of the employees. Each library does not make full use of the possibilities offered by having a website.


media relations, public relations, promotion, social communication, university library, public library, pedagogical library

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Date of publication: 2019-05-24 09:14:35
Date of submission: 2018-07-16 19:44:47


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