Histories of Central Europe in the Atlantic World: A Review Essay

Zbigniew Mazur


The essay reviews three recent European publications in the field of Atlantic History. The authors of these studies present extensive research centered on the place and role of Central Europe in the Atlantic World in the 18th and 19th centuries. The monographs are important contributions to Atlantic studies and offer new insights into the understanding of the significance of Central Europe in such global processes as migration, slavery, and trade.


Atlantic History; Central Europe; migration; slavery; trade

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Atlantic History: A Critical Appraisal, eds. J.P. Greene, P.D. Morgan, Oxford–New York 2009.

Aust M., Obertreis J., Einleitung, [in:] Osteuropäische Geschichte und Globalgeschichte, hrsg. v. M. Aust, J. Obertreis, Stuttgart 2014.

Bailyn B., Atlantic History: Concept and Contours, Cambridge 2005.

Beyond Exceptionalism: Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650–1850, eds. R. von Mallinckrodt, J. Köstlbauer, S. Lentz, Berlin–Boston 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110748833.

Globalized Peripheries: Central Europe and the Atlantic World, 1680–1860, eds. J. Wimmler, K. Weber, Woodbridge 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvxhrkbs.

Kołodziejczyk D., Twisted Ways of Commodities in the Early Modern Era and the Positioning of Poland on the Map of Colonialism, “European Review” 2018, vol. 26, no. 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1062798718000133.

Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680–1850, eds. F. Brahm, E. Rosenhaft, Woodbridge 2016.

Steidl A., On Many Routes: Internal, European, and Transatlantic Migration in the Late Habsburg Empire, West Lafayette 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv15pjz1z.

Wallerstein I., The Modern World-System, 4 vols., New York–London 1974.

Weber K., Mitteleuropa und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel: Eine lange Geschichte, „Werkstatt Geschichte“ 2014, Heft 66–67.

Western Europe, Eastern Europe and World Development, 13th–18th Centuries: Collection of Essays of Marian Małowist, eds. J. Batou, H. Szlajfer, Leiden 2009.


Kołodziejczyk D., Central-Eastern Europe in the Global Context, “Dans Monde(s)” 2018, vol. 2, no. 14, https://www.cairn.info/revue-mondes-2018-2-page-53.htm [access: 5.10.2021].

Lévai C., Mazur Z., Central Europe and the Atlantic World, www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199730414/obo-9780199730414-0093.xml [access: 5.10.2021].

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/f.2021.76.425-435
Date of publication: 2021-12-31 14:53:00
Date of submission: 2021-10-15 12:43:44


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