New Challenges for Modern Diplomacy

Małgorzata Polkowska


States can, in principle, communicate with each other only through their representatives. Such communication takes place primarily through the diplomatic system – a global network of embassies and allied agreements. However, in order to establish (or re-establish) communication between any two states, they must agree to establish “diplomatic relations”. Therefore, the concept of diplomatic relations is the key that opens the way to normal communication between states. As such, it is a fundamental element of the entire international system. The practice of political leadership meetings dates back to antiquity, but until the 19th century it was rare for rulers to meet in person. The situation changed only in the 21st century, when such “summit” meetings were often organized and replaced many traditional forms and methods of diplomacy. Such summits are often institutionalized, for example, G8, i.e. meetings of the most developed countries in the world. Their organization and course largely depend on the results of previous preparations and diplomatic talks, but ultimately they are led by experts who support the leaders of the state.


diplomacy; meetings; communication; diplomatic system; embassies; allied agreements; expert

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Date of publication: 2021-12-31 14:52:57
Date of submission: 2021-04-28 09:24:32


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