A Few Words about the Diseases and Treatment of Pigs in Ancient Rome

Agnieszka Bartnik


In ancient Rome, pigs were widely bred animals. Breeders also paid attention to health issues because in the case of herd animals such as pigs, each disease posed a risk of large losses. Among the diseases of pigs, ancient authors mentioned fever, throat swelling, vomiting, pneumonia, coma-like condition or spleen pain. Some of the symptoms can be associated with currently known diseases. The ancients also tried to cure the observed diseases, but in most cases the treatments they offered had no chance of success. To date, some pig diseases are not treatable. One of the most effective methods of preventing them was to maintain appropriate zoohygienic conditions of which they were aware in ancient Rome. Many contemporary authors drew attention to this issue.


ancient Rome; diseases; pigs; fever; throat swelling; vomiting

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/f.2020.75.45-60
Date of publication: 2021-01-27 10:39:28
Date of submission: 2020-02-18 20:54:32


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