Metaphors of light and darkness in the Soviet ideological discourse on culture in the years 1953--1957 The case of the Pravda newspaper

Piotr Zemszał


Metaphors of light and darkness belong to the most salient ways of introducing and maintaining the Manichean division into US and THEM in many kinds of discourse, including the Soviet ideological discourse on culture in the period of de-Stalinisation. The present study investigates about 400 articles on cultural matters published in the years 1953--1957 in the newspaper Pravda, characterised, among others, by a confrontational stance connected with the political and cultural turning point of the period. It deals with the metaphors of light and darkness as these were used in the then Soviet cultural propaganda. The study reveals that the metaphors were used as a means of controlling the country’s cultural life and that their application was no different from old patterns employed already in Ruthenian writings. They were harnessed to express the categories crucial to the authors the central management of culture, the leading role of certain individuals and circles in creating culture, the superiority of OUR culture over THEIRS, etc. By referring to archetypical notions the author made sure that the propagandist tricks were effective.


culture of USSR; de-Stalinisation; newspeak; ideological discourse; light; darkness


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Date of publication: 2017-11-03 08:26:39
Date of submission: 2017-01-04 11:16:32


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