The associative aspect of the Serbian concept of SLOBODA (wolność)

Marcin Grygiel


The purpose of this article is to attempt to reconstruct the concept слобода (freedom) in the Serbian language. The analysis is based on survey data and their interpretation in relation to a broad context of culture, history and language. The starting point for the analysis are responses gathered in the Associative Dictionary of the Serbian Language. Associations are classified according to formal types, such as contrastive, metaphorical and metonymic associations. In terms of meaning, the responses were divided into the following conceptualizations: слобода personal freedom, слобода as struggle for independence, слобода as a bird, слобода as a boundless space, слобода as blue and white colors, слобода as a white horse, слобода as a place where we feel at ease, слобода as nature, слобода as a bridge, слобода as free will, слобода as the highest value. Presented associative fields have been documented with examples of idioms, proverbs, dictionary definitions, lyrics, and literary texts.


linguistic worldview; associations; freedom

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Date of publication: 2013-01-06 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2015-09-07 00:21:19


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