The Image of Water among the Hausa through the Lens of Selected Containers

Izabela Barbara Will


The paper focuses on cultural categorization of water in Hausa based on names of three water containers: a bottle, a sachet, and a container called buta. The main part of the paper concerns the analysis of collocations, metaphors, and fixed phrases, indicating the association of three types of water with certain events, activities, and domains of social life such as religious practices, celebrations, hygiene, eating meals, or hosting guests. In conclusion, it is shown that the three types of water have a strictly defined function and are related to culturally embedded values.


Hausa language; culture; Nigeria; water; bottle; buta; sachet; conceptualization; collocation; categorization

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Date of publication: 2024-08-09 22:16:40
Date of submission: 2023-05-05 18:30:41


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