What is the Purpose of Assessment at the University – about the Goals and Characteristics of Assessment from the Students’ Perspective

Bernadeta Niesporek-Szamburska


The study presents considerations related to functions of evaluation at a university. Initial questions about the possibility of facing the tasks of evaluation in the context determined by: established assessment practices, changes related to the implementation of PRK, pedagogical theory (formative vs summation assessment) were resolved by means of a survey conducted among students. Students’ statements on, i.a., the readability of the assessing system and determining its criteria, relevance/randomness, averaging ratings in the Final Module Evaluation (OKM), processual features of evaluation, lead to the conclusion that students can appreciate the measurability of summative assessment (e.g. of test exam), but also they submit postulates to provide the verification with the features of formative assessment that supports their learning.


assessment at a university; assessment features; assessment functions in a higher school, a survey; assessment from the student’s perspective

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/en.2019.4.163-178
Date of publication: 2019-12-31 12:58:20
Date of submission: 2019-03-20 07:59:57


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