Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Teacher in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education

Volodymyr Pogrebnyak


The article refers to the development of the special educational course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Teacher in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education”. Prospective research results of the issue in question, as a way of implementing democratic principles in the pedagogical process of professional teacher training in the conditions of renovation of Ukrainian society and public activity development, have been defined. Studying of the educational discipline is aimed at: mastering by teachers-to-be the historical and pedagogical foundations of the formation and promotion of citizenship education in world educational systems in the context of civilizational development of mankind; learning of theoretical positions of citizenship education: the essence, pedagogical importance, purpose, tasks, principles, regularities; becoming proficient at methodical bases and tools (forms, methods, means) for realizing the tasks of citizenship education in the pedagogical process. What is more, future pedagogues are taught to use modern methods of diagnosis and evaluation of the quality of educational process to establish the level of citizenship education; to analyse and summarize the data of pedagogical diagnostics of civic education and use its results for improvement of the educational process; to implement the integration of content related to citizenship education in pedagogical activity; to implement the leading forms, methods and means of civic education in the pedagogical process; to build cooperative relations on the basis of social tolerance, democracy, recognition and respect for different views and beliefs.


citizenship education; democratic citizenship; pedagogical education; teacher-to-be; professional teacher training; special educational course

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Date of publication: 2019-01-13 11:07:15
Date of submission: 2018-03-30 05:15:29


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