The Hungarian-Czechoslovak Relations from the Hungarian Perspective (1990–1992)

János Sáringer


As a result of the first free and democratic elections in Hungary, in May 1990, József Antall formed a government, whose foreign goal was the restoration of the sovereignty of Hungary and the support and representation of the Euro-Atlantic integration and of the Hungarians across the border. In the Hungarian-Czechoslovak bilateral relations, the new Hungarian government’s aim was to expand the political relations in both federal and republican levels. It was Hungary’s interest that serious legacies, such as the issue of the Bős-Nagymaros Dam system, should not hold back the general advance, therefore, a solution appropriate for both parties had to be found. The paper presents the Hungarian-Czechoslovak relations from the Hungarian perspective in the years 1990–1992.

Ключевые слова

Antall’s foreign policy; diplomatic relations; Visegrad Three; Hungarian minority; Bős-Nagymaros Dam System

Полный текст:

PDF (English)


Archives of the National Archives of Hungary

ANAH XIX‒J‒1‒j 1990 17. box.

ANAH XIX‒J‒1‒j 1992. 49. box.

ANAH XIX–A–150–j 91. box.


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Date of publication: 2023-12-04 13:26:31
Date of submission: 2022-07-29 11:00:54


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загрузки (из 2020-06-17) - PDF (English) - 143



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