The process of creation of the Kingdom of SHS in view of the transformations of the Great War (1914–1918)

Konrad Sebastian Morawski


The article „The process of creation of the Kingdom of SHS in view of the transformations of the Great War (1914–1918)” provides an overview of the defining events related to the creation of the first Yugoslav state; that is the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes established on 1st December 1918. The discussions included in the article were focused primarily on the circumstances of the complicated process of negotiations between the representatives of the South-Slavic nations, which expressed different visions in the context of the creation of a common state. An issue further hindering the unification of the South Slavs was the transformations of the Great War and the associated frequent changes in the political situation of the Balkan states and territories, as well as the formation of different centres representing the interests of the South-Slavic nations. The discussions were based on Balkan archives previously unused in Polish literature; collections of documents and press sources (mostly from 1918); as well as on the most important studies of Balkan, Polish, and other authors.


Kingdom of SHS, Yugoslavia, creation of the Kingdom of SHS in 1918, Karađorđević dynasty, Nikola Pašić

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Wykaz źródeł i literatury


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Date of publication: 2017-02-13 11:12:02
Date of submission: 2017-02-10 12:33:02


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