The role of the school in shaping a healthy lifestyle among students based on the opinion of high school students

Kamil Kap, Ewa Skowronek, Joanna Sarnecka


The current social problem is the increase of illnesses, so-called civilization diseases. Many of them start already at school age. Health education and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle become an important aim nowadays. The family and school are the leading role here. The goal of the study was to analyze the perception of the role of school in creating a healthy lifestyle among students from secondary school. The studies were carried out in Szczecin and Lublin. The research directed attention to understanding the concept and the students’ implementation of the rules related to it. It also seeks to know the school activities in this fi eld.

Obtained results of research indicate that regardless of the city, students generally expressed similar opinions on the issues raised related to a healthy lifestyle and the activity of educational institutions in this area. It is a matter of concern that despite the knowledge and proper understanding of the term, high school students generally do not apply the principles of a healthy lifestyle or do it selectively. Also statements about participation in physical education lessons and extracurricular health and movement activities, which the youth avoids or does not take at all are not optimistic.

There is a need for further work in the fi eld of education and shaping pro-health attitudes among adolescents. On the other hand, it is important and worth investigating the problem of students’ reluctance to use activating extra-curricular activities prepared by educational institutions.


healthy lifestyle, physical activity, secondary school students, Lublin, Szczecin

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Date of publication: 2018-09-14 09:35:59
Date of submission: 2018-01-30 15:42:34


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