Assessment of the Splash on the Foothill Slope (Flysch Carpathians, Bystrzanka Catchment)

Małgorzata Kijowska-Strugała, Krzysztof Kiszka


The article presents the results of the splash on the experimental plots on the foothill slope (with gradient 11°) with a black fallow and meadows and also plots on the foodplain with black fallow. The study was based on funnels method. The analysis of the results of research conducted from May to August 2012 showed that the size of the splash mainly depends on the kinetic energy of rain and gradient. Moreover, the splash on black fallow exceeds even 95 times the splash in the plots with meadow and 20 times in the floodplain plots without vegetation. Soil particles on the slope are moved to a maximum height of 40 cm down the slope and about 30 cm up the slope, mainly during high intensity rainfall. Furthermore, the sand grains are more easily thrown by splash than clay material.


splash, runoff, experimental plots, black fallow, meadows, foothill slope, Bystrzanka catchment

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Date of publication: 2015-05-25 18:43:11
Date of submission: 2015-05-25 17:51:10


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