Non-pollen palynomorphs in Western Polesie peat bogs and their indicator value

Joanna Jarosz


This article is the first approach analyzing the non-pollen palynomorphs types (NPP) occurring in palynological samples from the peats profiles of the Lublin Polesie region, which are substantial bioindicators of paleohydrological changes in the Holocene. The analysis of NPP was made in peat samples from three sites: Płotycze, Mytycze and Durne Bagno. A dozen or so NPPs types have been described, among which there were microfossils of animal origin: Habrotrocha angusticolis, Copepoda spermatophores, Turbellaria and testate amoebae: (Assulina muscorum, Arcella artocrea, Arcella discoides, Archerella flavum) and also microfossils of fungal origin: Microthyrium, HdV 13, Helicoon pluriseptatum, Bryophytomyces sphagni. Diagrams of percentage participation of NPPs in the three profiles (Figs. 3–5) allowed to distinguish NPPs zones with variable participation of particular types of NPPs and to interpret them against the background of selected pollen types of water and rush vegetation as well as Sphagnum spores for paleohydrological changes. The highest variability of paleohydrological conditions was recorded in the Durne Bagno peat bog. The same types of non-pollen palynomorphs are common in peat bogs of the European Lowlands. Most of them are cosmopolitan species. Identified NPPs in peat bogs of the Lublin Polesie are in accordance with the descriptions provided by the international determination keys.


non-pollen palynomorphs, paleohydrology reconstructions, peat bogs of Polesie Lubelskie

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Date of publication: 2018-03-07 10:57:40
Date of submission: 2017-10-20 10:56:23


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