Comparison of selected results of meteorological measurements made with traditional and automatic instruments (according to data from Kraków)

Dorota Matuszko, Radosław Nowak


Nowadays, at the meteorological stations traditional measurements are often replaced with automatic ones. The main aim of this master thesis is to compare the two measurement methods, according to results of selected meteorological measurements made at the scientific station of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków in 2014. The correlation and differences between methods were studied. It was indicated when the biggest differences occur and which situations are associated with them. The author attempted to determine the homogeneity of the series and assessed the sense of resigning from the conventional measurements. The values compared were taken for the same time periods in order to reduce the differences caused by averaging and data processing methods. It was shown that the correlation coefficient was very strong in every comparison made (the highest in case of air temperature, the lowest in case of precipitation). However, some significant differences in specific situations were shown. Variable trend and magnitude of deviations depending on the time of the measurement in the course of day and year occurred. Deviations were caused by differences in construction and sensitivity of devices as well as by meteorological conditions, mistakes made by observer and random factors. It was concluded that despite the advantages of automatic measurements, conventional measurements should not be abandoned. Regardless the technical advancement, automatic measurement systems can brake down and the traditional ones serve as a security in case of lack of the data. In most comparisons, the data series obtained are not homogenous. Despite theoretically high correlation, there are very significant differences between methods that prevent thoughtless resignation from classic measurements. Furthermore, traditional measurements are required for the calibration of the automatic sensors.


meteorological measurements, mercury thermometers, Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder, psychrometer, Hellmann rain gauge, digital rain gauges, automatic weather stations

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Date of publication: 2018-03-07 10:57:44
Date of submission: 2016-10-05 15:13:24


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