Discharge variability of selected springs of Poland and central Europe in the years 2003–2014

Piotr Moniewski


In this paper the mean monthly discharges of several dozen springs from Poland were presented. The analyzes were based on multiannual discharge of groundwater outflows. Three variability coefficients were used: V – according to Meinzer, R – according to Maillete and CV – classic variability coefficient. Also the Markham’s seasonality parameters were counted: seasonality index and time of concentration. The results were interpreted with reference to the basic types of hydrogeological outflows: fissure and porous, their location and discharge recession pace. The regime in half of investigated springs is complex, and the nival-pluvial regime supply dominates over simple regimes with precipitation supply. The culmination of the discharge of outflows was observed in spring between the beginning of March and mid-July, depending on their location and supply conditions. The fissure spring are characterized by higher seasonal discharge – their seasonality index is several times lower than the fissure ones. Seasonal spring discharge was found to be well correlated with the spring altitude – the discharge of higher located springs is characterized by greater seasonal variability and later concentration date. On this occasion the role of meteorological and hydrogeological conditions in shaping of springs discharge were shown. For comparison the analogical characteristics of selected springs from other hydrogeological regions (Eastern Alps, Czech Massif) were presented.


springs, Central Europe, discharge of springs, seasonal variability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/b.2016.71.1.29
Date of publication: 2017-03-06 11:34:36
Date of submission: 2015-10-17 11:25:35


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