Intergenerational Aspects of Marketing Communication on the Example of Muskau Park

Agnieszka Gandecka, Natalia Charowska


Division of the tourism market based on age allows for a more accurate adjustment of tools and methods of communication to the needs of individual groups. This leads to increased benefits for both tourism product providers and tourists themselves, who appreciate a diversified offer that takes into account their lifestyle and expectations. Research on the tourist activity of generations X, Y and Z can be included in the process of creating marketing messages addressed to tourists visiting Muskau Park in the Lubusz Voivodeship. The HubSpot tool, literature and generational research provide a solid basis for marketing communication strategies, innovations and various forms of tourism.


Muskau Park; generations X, Y, Z; tourism market; tourist activity; marketing communication

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Date of publication: 2024-04-19 10:37:16
Date of submission: 2024-02-22 15:44:15


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