Analysis of Tourist Behavior in the City Based on Flickr Data: Kielce Case Study

Andrzej Tucki, Jacek Osojca, Dariusz Dobrowolski


Although nowadays tourists generate huge amounts of data online, so-called Big Data, little is known about their behavior in urban spaces. However, these sources of data are increasingly being used with modern technology to track the presence of tourists in urban areas that are attractive to tourists. The article aims to analyze urban tourist behavior using data from the social networking site Flickr. Machine learning methods were used to illustrate the temporal and spatial activities of the portal’s users. It was assumed that these activities could serve as an indicator of the volume of tourist traffic and interest in the urban space. The results of the analysis showed that in most cases the activity of the portal users in the form of the number of georeferenced photos was in line with the actual number of visitors to the most important tourist attractions in Kielce. The study can be seen as a contribution to a new stream of research in the field of digital geography. The limitations of the applied research methodology are also included in the conclusions.


urban tourist; machine learning; Flickr; tourist traffic; urban space; Kielce

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Date of publication: 2024-04-19 10:37:17
Date of submission: 2023-12-06 15:29:29


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