The Meaning of the Urban Recreational Space in the Process of Designing Outdoor Creative Events: The Case of Łódź

Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka


Leisure activities have become a significant value for society, so the offer of urban events is gaining importance. The urban recreational space offers diverse conditions, especially noticed by the organisers. The originality of events is sought after by the public, and participation experiences have been extensively investigated. The aim of this article is to reconstruct the process of organising events. The organisers’ point of view seems to be important in broadening the spectrum of research into the experience of events. The research problem of the study was related to what urban recreational space means to organisers in the process of designing outdoor creative events using the example of Łódź. The results were based on the interpretation of interviews and an analysis of the ethnographic visual study. The importance of the relationship of the organisers with the urban space was investigated, and the different elements of its organisation: accessibility, amenities, cooperation of the entities. Their work comfort and stimulating conditions for the development of creative ideas can translate into an improved quality of life in the city.


urban recreational space; creative leisure; designing events; Łódź

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Date of publication: 2023-11-10 09:13:38
Date of submission: 2023-10-02 13:40:18


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