Service Quality Evaluation in Four-Star Hotels in Lublin Using the Contextual Analysis Method

Teresa Brzezińska-Wójcik


The aim of the article is the quality assessment of service at five four-star hotels in Lublin in the light of reviews left on Query and contextual analysis methods were used during the research. Of the hotels analysed, the highest quantitative score (9.25) was given to the Atelia Banquet & Catering Centre hotel, while the highest qualitative score (taking into account guests’ opinions) was given to Focus Hotel Premium Lublin (9.08). In terms of qualitative assessment in relation to the assumed areas, it appears that the intangible elements (especially the variety and taste of meals, cleanliness in the hotel and in the room) received the most comments, but the tangible elements (exterior appearance of the building, interior design/aesthetics, location) received the highest remarks. The least feedback was in the areas of “price-quality ratio” and “comfort of stay”. A comparison of the ratings of the four-star hotels analysed with those of the three-star hotels and hostels shows that in all of them, cleanliness (in the hotel and in the room), the location of the facilities and price-quality ratio were important to guests. Thus, in relation to the emotional model of customer satisfaction, clean hotels, their aesthetic interiors, their good location, varied and tasty meals, friendly staff, and good price-quality ratio can all have a positive impact on the perception of Lublin’s tourist space.


hotel; service quality; opinions

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Date of publication: 2022-12-07 11:41:04
Date of submission: 2022-11-18 08:53:24


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