The Importance of Cartographic Source Materials in the Assessment of Sustainable Development on the Example of Forest Cover in the Western Part of the “Roztocze” Biosphere Reserve

Paweł Cebrykow, Wioletta Kałamucka


The aim of the undertaken research is to show the dynamics of spatial and temporal changes in forest cover as one of the basic development direction used in the assessment of sustainable development in the western part of the “Roztocze” Biosphere Reserve. The second, parallel objective, is to demonstrate the important cartographic features of the source materials commonly used in this type of research and their influence on the final results of the analyses, which form the basis for formulating effective and appropriate strategies for future development in this case of both the Reserve and the entire Roztocze region. The research covered the western part of the “Roztocze” Biosphere Reserve established in 2019, within the boundaries of two subregions: the Goraj Roztocze and the Szczebrzeszyn Roztocze, characterised by similar environmental features resulting from the occurrence of loess formations. From the 1930s to the 1990s of 20th century the forest area increased from 146.82 to 153.5 km2, which means that the forest cover ratio increased from 28.3% to 29.6%. From 1989 to 2017, there has been a significant increase in forest area. The forest cover in the area increased to 38.3%. The use of the latest cartographic materials provides an opportunity to learn about the current state, assess the rate of change and forecast it. The analysis of changes in forest cover is particularly useful in assessing the implementation of sustainable development, which is the direction that allows Roztocze region to maintain its uniqueness and identity.


sustainable development; cartographic source materials; forest cover; the “Roztocze” Biosphere Reserve

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Date of publication: 2021-11-30 10:12:11
Date of submission: 2021-10-13 10:38:56


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