Sedimentological study of glacimarginal forms near Zamoście (Volhynian Polesie, NW Ukraine)

Andrij Renda


Near Zamostya in the Volhynian Polesie (NW Ukraine) a first sedimentological attempt was made to explain the origin of glacimarginal forms forming sub-parallel trains. They belong to the
most typical elements of the Polesie glacial relief from the Dnieper Glaciation. Lithofacial analysis was used during the research. Based on geomorphological situation of the glacimarginal forms and
lithofacial features of their deposits, the forms were classified as end moraines documenting one of the stagnation phases of ice-sheet recession during the Dnieper Glaciation.


glacimarginal forms; lithofacial analysis; end moraines; Dnieper Glaciation; Volhynian Polesie; NW Ukraine

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Date of publication: 2015-07-15 09:25:10
Date of submission: 2015-07-14 05:29:27


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