Change of the Electoral Sympathies of the Voters in the Western Ukrainian Region According to the Parliamentary Elections Results in 2019

Bogdan Buyak, Andrii Kuzyshyn


The aim of the study is to compare the results of electoral sympathies of Ukrainian voters with the prevailing trends on this issue in Europe. We analyzed Western Ukraine regions (9 units in total) in relation to constituencies to identify the relationship between voting results and a wide range of variables that define the regional socio-economic, historical and socio-cultural context. The conducted research is based on the data of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine, including the data of different territorial levels of coverage (polling station – constituency – administrative region). The spatial multi-vector study was based on the analysis of the following variables: support for the “Servant of the People” party, support for other parliamentary parties in the 2019 elections, distribution of votes between centre-right and liberal-centre parliamentary parties, support/opposition of the so-called “old” and “new” parliamentary parties during the 2019 voting, as well as a spatial analysis of voter turnout. In addition, methods of spatial analysis and differentiation, generalization and forecasting were used. The results of the study showed an unconventionally low voter turnout, which is not typical for the studied region, significant fluctuations in support of the unprecedented election leader (the “Servant of the People” party), orientation to young parliamentary parties as a hope for change of the inner state of the country. The region was marked by significantly higher support for centre-right parties, which is a traditional phenomenon for this territory, and generally lower support for non-standard liberal views.


Western Ukrainian region; elections; election results; voter turnout; territorial support of parties; parliamentary parties

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Date of publication: 2021-10-15 08:43:25
Date of submission: 2021-01-17 20:33:08


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