Fan’s Authorial Rractices. The Subversion of Collaborative Authorship

Aldona Kobus


The present article analyses contemporary approaches to authorship in fandom studies, focusing on authorship in the context of fanworks. It recognises the collaborative and intertextual dimension of fan authorship, which may be perceived as an alternative to the dominant commercial model of authorship, depicted as the work performed by a lone creator, labouring to create a unique text. Consequently, this model undermines the dominant position of thus construed notion of authorship. In addition, such an approach reveals the subversive potential of fanworks as enabling a re-formulation of post-Romantic notion of authorship (and thus potentially leads to a re-interpretation of the resultant expansiveness of intellectual copyright).


utorstwo, autor, produkcja kulturowa, fanfiction, prawo autorskie, twórczość zależna, twórczość transformacyjna

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Date of publication: 2019-06-10 10:54:47
Date of submission: 2018-07-05 10:49:41


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