Analytical and Synthetical Discourse, or Magical Thinking in Cognitive Anthropology Perspective

Jan Kajfosz


The aim of the paper is to identify consequences of specific cognitive distructions caused inter alia by objective lack of time or subjectively registered lack of time caused by constraints related to a very vaguely specified, insufficiently defined, blurring notion of efficiency. Such circumstances can contribute to the emergence of so called synthetic discourse, distinguished by the tendency to indistinctiveness, or insufficient distinctiveness of perceived phenomena. Such a state of discourse and corresponding intentionality (habitual attitude to phenomena) by its members can support and sustain the lack of reflection and criticism, vulnerability to persuasion (inability to oppose rhetorical strategies) and in this manner it can be harmful to scientific investigations.




synthetic discourse, magical thinking, cargo cult, connotation, efficiency, newspeak

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Date of publication: 2016-05-09 12:15:33
Date of submission: 2015-07-31 22:41:44


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