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Issue Title
Vol 16 (2024) Policy Analysis in Argentina. Nelson Cardozo & Pablo Bulcourf (Editors) (2023) Bristol: Policy Press & Bristol University Press, ISBN 9781447364900, pp. 370 Abstract   PDF
Germán Montenegro
Vol 6 (2018) Polish emigration in the interwar Argentina Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Katarzyna Porada
Vol 11 (2021) Political Action of the Military Party in Brazil under Bolsonaro Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Ana Amélia Penido Oliveira, Suzeley Kalil
Vol 16 (2024) Political Crisis and Interinstitutional Conflict Between Parliament and Executive Branch in Peru (2016–2018). A Sociometric Approach to Competitive Interactions in Political Conflict Contexts Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Juan Francisco Morales Giraldo
Vol 2 (2015) Political legitimacy and legal openness in the sub-national party systems: Mexican case in a comparative perspective Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Roy González Padilla, Carlos Leonhardt Álvarez
Vol 8 (2019) Political Science and Gender. A Relationship at the Margins of the Discipline Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
María Elena Martin
Vol 14 (2022) Preliminary Analyses on Participation and Social Stratification in Paraguay Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Sara Mabel Villalba Portillo, José Galeano Monti
Vol 1 (2014) Presentación - América Latina: cambios a nivel regional y en su inserción internacional Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Martha Ardila, Katarzyna Krzywicka
Vol 9 (2020) Presidential Elections in El Salvador 2019. The Defeat of the FMLN and a New Government with Nayib Bukele Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Ignacio Medina Núñez
Vol 14 (2022) Priscila Palacio (2019). Realism and International Change. Study on the Work of Robert Gilpin “War and Change” and its Contemporaneity in the 21st Century. A Look at the United States, China and Russia. Buenos Aires: Editorial Almaluz, ISBN 978-987-1813-70-4, pp. 305 Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Felipe Venegas San Martín
Vol 15 (2023) Protests, Collective Action and Citizenship. Volume III, Rosa Ynés Alacio García (Coord.) (2022) México: Tirant lo Blanch – Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca – Asociación Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas, ISBN 9788411136228, E-ISBN 9788411136235, pp. 244. Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Luis Téllez Arana
Vol 5 (2017) Przeobrażenia geopolityczne i nowe zagrożenia w Ameryce Łacińskiej – Transformaciones geopolíticas y nuevas amenazas en América Latina Katarzyna Krzywicka, Paweł Trefler (coords. y eds.) Estudios Iberoamericanos de la UMCS, vol. IV Editorial de la Universidad Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin 2016, págs. 483 ISBN 978-83-7784-589-9, ISSN 2084-8072 Details   PDF (Español (España))
Justyna Trubalska
Vol 12 (2021) Public Security Policy in El Salvador During the Presidency of Nayib Bukele (2017–2019) Abstract   PDF
Michał Stelmach
Vol 7 (2019) Qhapaq Ñan: Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage as an Instrument of Inter-American Integration Policy Abstract   PDF
Marta Kania
Vol 2 (2015) Recall referendum and democracy An analysis of recent experiences in Bogota and Lima Abstract   PDF
Yanina Welp, Julieta Rey
Vol 5 (2017) Reconstruyendo la ciencia política en América Latina Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Pablo Bulcourf, Katarzyna Krzywicka, Paulo Ravecca
Vol 2 (2015) Reflections on Mexican foreign policy under globalization and the post-cold war Abstract   PDF (Español (España))   PDF
Marcos Pablo Moloeznik, Patricia Solís Minor
Vol 6 (2018) Relations between Mexico and the United States under the Trump administration Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Klaus Bodemer
Vol 3 (2016) Religión y política en América Latina: la confrontación entre Juan Pablo II y Ernesto Cardenal en 1983 Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Armando Lampe
Vol 2 (2015) Report of the Second International Conference of Latin Americanists, Relations between politics and religion in Latin America – determinants and new paradigms, Lublin, Poland, 3–4 November 2015 Details   PDF (Español (España))
Maria Ochab
Vol 2 (2015) Reproduction of poverty in the social policy for adults in Chiapas in the context of elections in 2012 Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Łukasz Czarnecki
Vol 10 (2020) Reshaping the International Economic Order. China’s Belt and Road Initiative Abstract   PDF
David Garciandía Igal
Vol 15 (2023) (Re)thinking Latin America Today: Latin American Crises and Alternatives in the Confronting the Crises from Latin America Publication Series Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Marcos Antonio da Silva
Vol 8 (2019) Rosa Ynés Alacio García (2019), Election Chronicle. Citizen Committees in Mexico City, e-book (second edition), Tirant Lo Blanch ISBN 97-84-1313-482-6 Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México ISBN 978-607-9465-95-7, México, pp. 396 Details   PDF (Español (España))
Margarita Castro Nava
Vol 8 (2019) Scientific coordination Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Katarzyna Krzywicka, María Elena Martin
176 - 200 of 275 Items << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >>