“Ideological borders” and the last military dictatorship in Argentina (1976–1983): the case of covert operations in Central America

Magdalena Lisińska


In this article I focus on the significance of the concept of “ideological frontiers” in Argentine foreign policy during the last military dictatorship 1976–1983. The paper is a case study of the covert operations in Central America carried out by the military and intelligence services of the dictatorship. The Argentine activity in Central America serves as an example of practical application of the above-mentioned ideological concept. Firstly, I present the idea of “ideological frontiers” and its significance during the last military dictatorship. Secondly, I present the external factors that made the Argentine military increase their interest in Central America at the end of the 1970s. Subsequently, I analyse the covert activities of Argentine military and intelligence, both before and after the triumph of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. Additionally, the question of the cooperation between Argentina and the United States in Central America during the presidency of Ronald Reagan will be discussed. The conclusions summarize the arguments presented in the article, emphasizing the importance of the concept of “ideological frontiers”.

Argentina, Central America, military dictatorship, ideological frontiers, foreign policyIn this article I focus on the significance of the concept of “ideological frontiers” in Argentine foreign policy during the last military dictatorship 1976–1983. The paper is a case study of the covert operations in Central America carried out by the military and intelligence services of the dictatorship. The Argentine activity in Central America serves as an example of practical application of the above-mentioned ideological concept. Firstly, I present the idea of “ideological frontiers” and its significance during the last military dictatorship. Secondly, I present the external factors that made the Argentine military increase their interest in Central America at the end of the 1970s. Subsequently, I analyse the covert activities of Argentine military and intelligence, both before and after the triumph of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. Additionally, the question of the cooperation between Argentina and the United States in Central America during the presidency of Ronald Reagan will be discussed. The conclusions summarize the arguments presented in the article, emphasizing the importance of the concept of “ideological frontiers”.



Argentina, Central America, military dictatorship, ideological frontiers, foreign policy


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/al.2018.6.67-84
Date of publication: 2019-02-05 09:32:35
Date of submission: 2019-02-04 12:03:27


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