The dynamics of functioning of state borders in the contemporary international relations

Anna Moraczewska


Borders have always reflected the state of relations between neighboring countries and were an image of a given era. They are sensitive barometers of changes taking place in an international environment and usually respond to these changes the most quickly. Since the borders ceased functioning only in a territorial dimension and entered a spatial level, they have been defined as mobile borders, vacillating borders and smart borders. Nowadays, countries can conclude agreements on border cooperation even though they do not share a common border. This is due to an emergence of many new transborder threats that require cooperation to combat them. The aim of the article is to indicate changes in the nature of contemporary borders in relation to the factors determining these challenges. Two types of determinants are distinguished: long-term trends and turning points that have had an impact on an essence of modern borders. There are several phenomena such as globalization, integration of the European Union, migrations and terrorist attacks, to mention a few. Each determinant is related to the border and its change. The author applied factor analysis in the article.


borders, determinants of change, dynamics, border fluctuation, multiplication of borders, uncertainty.


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Date of publication: 2019-02-05 09:32:33
Date of submission: 2019-02-04 11:34:41


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