Changing political scenarios in Bolivia: from the general elections in 2014 to the sub-national elections and regional referendums in 2015

Marcelo Varnoux Garay


The paper deals with the changes experienced in the Bolivian political scene during a very short time, due to the results of the general elections that took place in October 2014, the sub-national elections in March 2015 and the departmental referendums in the same year. In the first case, the unquestionable victory of the leader Evo Morales generated the feeling that the way to consolidate the hegemonic ruling party in Bolivia was paved to achieve the most important goal: the amendment of the State Constitution to legalize the indefinite reelection of Evo Morales, following the model that has been established among the ALBA countries. However, the electoral defeat in 2015 suffered by the ruling party MAS (Movimiento al Socialismo) reduces that possibility.


elections; parties; correlation of political forces; Evo Morales


Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia de 21 de octubre de 2008, aprobada por Referéndum Constitucional en fecha 25 de enero de 2009.

De la Torre C. (2013), El Populismo Latinoamericano, entre la democratización y el autoritarismo; “Revista Nueva Sociedad”, no 247, septiembre – octubre de 2013; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Buenos Aires, Argentina; pp. 3–14.

Ley no 1551 de “Participación Popular” de fecha 20 de abril de 1994.

Ley no 026 de “Régimen Electoral” de fecha 30 de junio de 2010.

Peralta P. (2015), Blog La Frontera Dos, Evo y sus seguidores: ¿culto a la personalidad o cálculo electoral?,, fecha de consulta: 03.08.2015.

Date of publication: 2016-03-25 09:16:49
Date of submission: 2016-03-24 11:36:27


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