South-South against North-South? The Brazilian extraregional policy under the presidency of Lula da Silva (2002-2011)

Klaus Bodemer


During the second term of F. H. Cardoso and under the government of his successor L. I. da Silva, the foreign policy of Brazil underwent a change of course, both in domestic policy as well as in the international arena. The main characteristics of this change were a more pronounced claim for a “cooperative leadership” in the region and the deepening of the South-South relations with the objective to strengthen the negotiation capacity of the South and to attain a more just and balanced international regime. The results are mixed. On the regional level , it is clear that the positional power does not translate automatically into the power of influence; on the international level, the Brazilian diplomacy was able to build alliances, but its power of outcome was rather modest and the intention to present itself as “Advocate of the South” , at least, questionable.


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Date of publication: 2015-05-19 09:25:10
Date of submission: 2015-04-21 09:21:57


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