A Case of Cooperation Between Defense and Foreign Affairs Ministries. The Resolution of the International Conflict over the Detention of the Argentine Navy Training Ship in Ghana

Federico M. Lorenc Valcarce, Facundo Solanas


Foreign policy and defense constitute two essential functions of the modern state. There are various fields of intervention where both converge and the political leaders of these areas of public intervention are compelled to interact and combine actions to resolve conflicts or work out operational issues. In the case analyzed in this article, inter-ministerial coordination is put into action to deal with the request for seizure of the Frigate Libertad, training ship of the Argentine Navy, made by a vulture fund (holdout) in litigation with the Argentine Republic before the Ghanaian justice, as soon as the ship moors in the port of Tema in Ghana on October 1, 2012. To reconstruct the case, we rely on different documentary and journalistic sources, as well as interviews with key informants.


defense, foreign policy, inter-ministerial cooperation, vulture funds


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/al.2022.14.135-150
Date of publication: 2023-04-06 07:43:42
Date of submission: 2022-08-23 14:32:15


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