The Intercultural Health in Peruvian Amazon. Problems and Perspectives in Times of Pandemic

Zuzanna Ogorzewska


The notion of intercultural health refers to the culturally derived practices and their place in the contemporary health system, as well as to the political strategy concerning basic healthcare in multiethnic regions. This paper addresses the differences between the related perspectives of the indigenous and non-indigenous health professionals in the Peruvian Amazon. It places the problem within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the initiative Comando Mático of the group Shipibo-Conibo. The study is based on online research. It involves the critical analysis of the indigenous discourse shared on social media. The results serve to uncover the underlying thinking patterns, which impede the effective implementation of intercultural health policy in Peru.


Peruvian Amazon, pandemic, intercultural health, indigenous, Comando Mático

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Date of publication: 2022-07-27 14:08:48
Date of submission: 2022-07-27 12:58:29


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