Harm Reduction Model in Mexico’s Drug Policy

Aleksandra Jargiełło


Harm reduction is an approach in drug policy based on health issues and human rights. The aim of this article is to present the essence of the harm reduction model, as well as its implementation in Mexico after the year 2006. The study is an attempt to answer the following research questions: firstly, what is the scale of psychoactive drugs consumption in Mexico - and what goes with it – its negative health implications; secondly, to what extent does the Mexican drug policy takes account of aspects related to public health? This analysis proves that Mexico lacks a comprehensive harm reduction strategy and the main role in implementing this model is played by civil society organisations.




harm reduction; drug policy; Mexico; drugs; public health

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/al.2021.11.131-145
Date of publication: 2021-11-05 00:24:26
Date of submission: 2021-08-23 13:42:07


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