The Gender and the Politics in Chenalhó, a Maya Township in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico

Witold Jacórzyński


This essay describes the story of Rosa Pérez Pérez, the first Tzotzil-Maya mayoress and her government in Chenalhó, one of the Maya townships in the Highland of Chiapas, México. The article has three objectives. The first one is to describe the drama of the rise and fall of Rosa Pérez Pérez, her rise to power in the municipal elections in July 2015, her declining the presidency in May 2016, her legal victory over her opponent on the 16 of August 2016, her victorious return to the township in February 2017, and finally the last year of her governing stricken with internal conflicts. The second purpose is to provide conceptual tools for the analysis of the Rosa Pérez Pérez case in the context of gender issues, among others: political power, practices, institutions, social structure and gender. The third purpose is to analyze the story of Rosa Pérez Pérez in terms of two explicative models: one based on the gender, and the other on the social structure. It is concluded that the story of Rosa Pérez Pérez represents a clash between two social orders concerning women which conflate in the contemporary Mexico: the traditional Mesoamerican and the modern one.


gender, politics, social practices, institutions, social structure, Maya indigenous people


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Date of publication: 2020-03-24 15:16:32
Date of submission: 2020-03-23 20:02:27


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